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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My life style

Everybody have their own authenic life style either cool or fantastic.For me, my life style are so cool and simple.My life style is i am a cool and chill personand always make people laugh because laugh can decrease our stress.It also can help to communicate inner and outer world.I also a simple and nice guy person and never more than that.My friend happy with me and my life style.That's my life style and i think it is so fantastic and it will never change forever.I'm very happy with my regular life style and enjoy in my life.....

Saturday, February 16, 2008

My lovely state

Sabah,the below of the wind is my hometown.At Sabah, thera are many place to be visited such as Pulau Sipadan,Karambunai and Gunung Kinabalu,the highest mountain in south-east asia.The new place to be visited is Tanjung Simpang Mengayau,the tip of borneo and also known as theend of borneo.Located at Kudat 301km from Kota Kinabalu.Sabah also have a beautiful beach such as Pantai Tanjung Aru and Dalit Bay.Every sunday,Tamu Gaya will held at Jalan Gaya or kinown as Gaya Street.I proud to be sabahan people and it is my best state in Malaysia.

The person who i want to meet

Everyone have a dream to meet anyone their like.But, only half their dream come true.For me, i have my dream the person who i want to meet.His name,Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohammad,former prime minister.I wish i can meet him because he is the man who have alot of political and idealogy to bring Malaysia to the eyes of the world.His idealogy has been succed and improve Malaysia economic.PROTON and WAWASAN 2020 half of Mahathir's idea has been succeded to bring Malaysia to the technology era.I hope i can meet him one day.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

My Favourite Actor

For the people who really like watching movie maybe their like actor or actress who involve on movie.I also really like watching movie not only hollywood or malay movie but i also like watching bollywood movie.The actor from bollywood who i like is Amitabh Bachchan.Actually, i like his personal and unique style because he can entertain people either from acting or singing. I also like his attitude. His film such as kabhi kushi kabhi gham,Aankhen and Kabhi Alvida Naa kehna are my favourite movie because Amitabh Bachchan has succeded entertain me. I'm not really a fanatic fan but i like his character when he is on film and i hope i can meet him one day.

My bestfriends

Every people have their own bestfriends on their life either it is past or now. Everyone want to have bestfriend because wit bestfriend we more comfortable to share our problem. For me, having a good friends is a fantastic experience on my life. My bestfriend name is Awg Mohammad Asyhadie.My bestfriend since 2004. I really easy to make a friend like him because he always help me when i have complicated case.Sometimes we argue it never try to make us like enemy.That's my bestfriends i have,although i have a lot friend but he is my fantastic friend..

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

KPTM lecturer in my heart

Since i was in KPTM on july 2007, I felt so excited because i now entered in new world and i has been grown up.When i started my first lecture class, i was so scared because that my first class.The first lecturer who i met was Ms.Siti Fatimah.She was so strictly person but she always helped students. My best lecturer who had been succeded taught me was Mr.Sasbullah who have authenic nick name "PAK SYEIKH".He was a funny guy but have a lot of idea.In spite of,all KPTM lecturer semester 1 are wonderful,i would like to say thank you very much for all my lecturer such as Ms.Cammy,Mrs.Arifah,Mdm.Rosidah,Ms.Siti Fatimah,Mr.Hizrian,Ms.Rinn and Mr.Sasbullah.Their always in my heart.

Sweet Memories

Every people have their own memories,although it is sweet but it really touching heart for people who have experience about it.I also have a wonderful memories in my mind even it is now or past.My first memories is i got dean awards.It was so wonderful memories and i felt so shocked and thankful to Allah because Allah gave this awards.My pointer was 3.53 and it was the higher pointer i had.Second is i have prove to all people that i'm still the man.I said like this because my parents want me to be what their want and i prove it with my effort.As a result, i made them proud and my parents happy.That's my sweet memories on my real life.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

My Idol

Every people in the world have their own idol.Many of them assume the idol as their spirit.But for me,i have my own idol and he become my spirit to achieve what is good for me and my life.My idol is Donald Trump,the owner of Trump Corporation.His contemporary style and authenic attitude make me more interested about him. He never give up when he want something and always did the best to achieve goal or anything.His authenic slogan "Think Big and Kicking Ass" make me think about it.Although He is my idol, i never try to be like him because it's better to be ourselves and honest about self.

My Mentor

Everybody have their own mentor. So, i also have my own mentor . I have two mentor in my life and their taught me how to face the real challenge in our life and real world.Their name are Mr.Rainul and Ms.Maria.Mr.Rainul is my add maths mentor.Although he teaching add maths but he always give support from back while i face complicated situation.My second mentor is Ms.Maria.She is my mentor of mentors.She always help me whe idon't understand the certain question.In spite of,both of them has been success to educated me as a real human in the world.

My Self

My name is Pg.Mohd Auza'e Bin Pg.Arshad.I'm 18 years old.i come from Kota Kinabalu Sabah.My father name is Pg.Arshad Bin Pg.kassim.Heworks as a Assistant Administration Officer at Kementerian Pembangunan Luar Bandar Sabah.My mother name is Dg.Salamah Bte Ag.Yahya.She works as Assistant Administration at Jabatan Kimia.I have four siblings including me.Three of them has been worked and i continue my study at Kolej Tech Mara Bangi in accounting cost.My hopes is i can achieve my dream on my life and have a good life more better.